joi, 31 august 2017

Extraordinary ceiling light Confusione, 75 cm

Irregular Confusione ceiling light made from wire loops This Italian design by Knikerboker is the result of working with materials by hand in a playful manner. A light has been developed that does not include a lampshade, and instead features a tangle of wire mesh. Several layers of wire loops pile up here and protrude out of the various sides. The original mesh is made from anodised aluminium and comes in an aluminium finish. Ten halogen lights have been distributed across the almost loose wire mesh to provide direct illumination for the room in question. The lighting offered by this ceiling light is reminiscent of an attractive Christmas decoration, only without any specific ornamentation. The light oozes simple, high-quality elegance. Click the banner to get it at ONLY: GBP717.9
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