miercuri, 25 septembrie 2019

ManyCam and VIPKID: An Overview

you are a VIPKID teacher, I am sure you've heard of Google Slides, a digital prop and reward system. Have you wondered how to use it in your classes? This video will show you how one teacher uses Google Slides and a program called ManyCam to liven and enrich classes! Megann Lock Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOR4E59JQPet1DO3raDwjzA Google Slides Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vipkidgs/ ManyCam: Purchase here: https://manycam.com/ If you have not started your VIPKID journey, please apply at www.VIPKID.com, and enter referral code MORGA0111

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