luni, 27 februarie 2017

Chanel No.5 Black By Louis-Nicolas Darbon

Louis-Nicolas Darbon has an eye for the stylish. Growing up in Paris, and jet-setting between New York and London, Darbon has soaked up the culture from the world's most fashionable centres and let it bleed onto his canvas with effortless panache. His latest series veers away from the conventional print format, using the readymade in Duchampian style: taking empty fire extinguishers, Darbon has emblazoned them with the classic Chanel logo. The effect is striking: the familiar double Cs sit beautifully in white against the sleek, black canister. For 'Chanel No.5 Black' Darbon has cleverly blended the practical, everyday object with decadence and luxury to create a truly unique work of art. Who ever would have guessed that a fire extinguisher could be so chic?! Click the banner to get it at ONLY: USD1250.00
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