marți, 28 februarie 2017

Eye Of History Etching By Marc Quinn

Contemporary artist Marc Quinn is one of the leading names of the twenty-first century British art scene. Famous for casting his head in ten pints of his own frozen blood, and for crowning Trafalgar Square's fourth plinth with the exceptional marble sculpture of artist Alison Lapper, Quinn has been a rising star of the art world since the 1990s, producing an extensive and distinctive oeuvre like no other. With a penchant for humanity's darker side and a tendency toward the existential, Quinn creates an art that thinks, always probing life's big questions through an aesthetic which is captivating. 'Eye of History Etching I' is a print from Quinn's iris series, for which Quinn has employed the Duchampian readymade model, his found 'object' taking the form of the human eye which, through a process of enlargement, is transformed into near-abstract art. Quinn's irises are breathtakingly beautiful: glassy round shots of intense pigment, coalescing in a way that reminds us of the spectacular power of nature and humanity. Quinn's stunning piece 'Eye of History Etching I' depicts a marble-like iris with shades of sea-blue, soft cream and rich, burnt-orange, layered with a partial map of the world. The eye of history paintings make reference to the society we live in where the whole world is connected through the ever present media, syncopate this with the ideas of our eroding and ever changing geological world. 'Eye of History Etching I' is signed and numbered by the artist. Click the banner to get it at ONLY: USD2400.00
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